This post originates from the existential consumer choice I am faced with to upgrade my regular cell phone (especially when it finally reaches the end of its life) to a Smart-Phone. That is I join the club with an iPhone or Android – I must adapt to survive (Thanks Darwin), and these things are everywhere, young and old (well get to that latter).
90 percent of America lies between the east and west coasts (a fact which each respective coast will deny or at least acts as if it weren’t true) something that makes me unbearably sad, full of dread and angst. I will embed a video made by two girls (I am going to say are from the mid-west for this post) in which they smoke cigarettes and take pictures of themselves to make a stop motion music video to Rudimentary Peni song, “Nothing but a Nightmare.” Don’t worry, they are gonna get a boat and crew and help out the BP oil Slick, I hear they have great pay for you and the crew.
In some respects this post can be boiled down to wanting to die in order to escape the unbearable sadness of knowing I'm small and weak and selfish and going, without doubt, to die with empty immensity. I want everyone to suffer the same marrow-level dread of the Smart-Phone revolution I feel. The despair of the pixel gaze as a primordial nada, bottomless depths inhabited by tragedy and death rising angelically toward you. I feel as if I am trapped in a performance art piece entitled Interior Scroll.

Now now now, don’t worry, I have been investigating job opportunities at WONDERFUL places like, Craigslist and even UAT Game Degrees. However, I cannot help but watch the debt clock go on and on as credit cards zip through auto-dealer ships, Wall-Marts and Apple stores.
Not even the post-modern pieces such as 4’33 can bring me the joy they once did. It seems these technological abysses being sold at record numbers are providing people with a much needed "vacation". A vacation is a respite from unpleasantness, and since consciousness of death and decay are unpleasant, it should seem deeply despairing that the ultimate American fantasy vacation involves being hypnotized down in an enormous primordial stew of death and decay with the use of the Android, iPhone, iPad, Kin, Kindle, Nook, PalmPre …ect). But on a Smart-Phone, we are skillfully enabled in the construction of various fantasies, with the help of Apps and down-loadable content, of triumph over just this death and decay. One way to "triumph" is via the rigors of self-improvement (diet books, exercise books, self-help books and information on cosmetic surgery). Even the ability to attend, virtually, time-management seminars –thanks iPhone4, to which the corporations amphetaminic upkeep of the products is Unstoppable. But there's another way out, too: not titivation but titillation; not hard work but hard play. With e-social-networks growing as rapidly as they are, they have invaded every website on the net. (It’s hard not to find a web page with a Facebook, twitter, or e-mail sharing function.) Commercials for Kin phones targeted at girls on their way to the next trendy concert make me nauseous. This hypnotic gaze into the primordial abyss of death and decay with 3g or even 4g technologies is deeply disturbing.
Having watched too much TV, I have heard political figures questioned again and again on how to solve difficult problems like national deficit, nuclear arms, and global starvation – and repeatedly their answer is the growing support in the upcoming youth of America. Something tells me the voyeuristic gaze is more entrancing than grappling with real issue to fulfill these high expectation that political figures have for us. Our eyes on the pixel abyss – talking heads that just Babylon (haha get it) tragedy after tragedy filling our spiraling eye sockets with decay– murder, poisoned children, death death death- decay. Pixel junkies, that when tragedy comes to their minds its like a kind of drug fix. There is this need to watch tragedy and decay from a plastic screen distance as the rest of the world suffers for the entrainment news. Now I am not immune to this analysis, I need my TV too and I won’t lie. But Smart Phones freak the living shit out of me. No need to see your environment, its being told to you on live WiFi or 4g feed. Vicariously living while the whole world dies and the users immediate environment ignored and treated as irrelevant.
After purchasing one of these high-tech gizmos your troublesome capacities for choice, error, regret, dissatisfaction, and despair will be removed from the equation. You will be able-finally, for once to relax, as the ads promise, because you will have no choice. Your pleasure will, for the length of the products life (or at least till the newer model comes out), be precisely and efficiently managed. Whenever I go out of the house to Wal-mart or McDonalds or even the (ugh)MALL, there's a huge mass clicking sound from all the Smart-Phones and Side-Kicks as heads face downward into everybody's Palm. I haven't bought any sort of Smart-Phone and feel a perverse pride about this. Now feeling this way only leads me to the despair of the theory of Natural Selection, where not the fittest creatures are the most likely to survive, but the ones most able to adapt to their environment. Now my environment in Jupiter FL is retiree-ville USA. On a side note, this has lead me to the very important conclusion that men after a certain age simply should not wear shorts; the skin seems denuded and practically crying out for hair, particularly on the calves. It's just about the only body area where you actually want more hair on older men. As I went to my local grocery store this week to purchase goods, a couple of these glabrous-calved guys were whipping clean their iPhones with military expertise. I see no escape.
Young or Old, Smart-Phones have landed. And it’s “Nothing but a Nightmare.”
Cheers, Senators.
Echoing through the sand vaults of binary-time and across internet tombed Tutankhamens, through grid fenced malls with cracked parking lots- the cry goes out: "LOL, PR1NC3 0F P3R51A WAS VIDEO GAME-CAN I WANT GO SEE THE MOVIE?"
ReplyDeleteOften, we talk of despair like the Food Network describing a recipe. As young french men we man the barricades, protecting the city, fighting on- until when?
Easy, the answer is simple. Keep going, at least until the 3rd generation i-pad is released commercially, by then all the bugs will be fixed and the interface mastered-- Life will be perfectly solved.
These spasms of dread are the soul's way of staying alive. Despair is the prophylactic that deflects consumer AIDS from auto-immune-frying our sentient soul. Sparks fly, blood drips- but despair is the vital sign: still here and not quite yet.
Nero blows the Shofar. We run within and we bar the gates of Senate. Amen.
(ASIDE: Know well and watch for the almond smell of cyanide, )
nero, jw but should i give this to fark with it tagged as "florida" or "scary"?
ReplyDeleteI apologize if my post was a little over the top, but I could not bring my lips from blowing the Shofar on the binary hills of Mt. Sinai. I was searching for a new sort of vocabulary or perspective on despair as the language of Kierkegaard and the self-aligning himself with himself and with God seems impotent in these new future times. According to him there are three kinds of despair presented in the book Sickness Unto Death: being unconscious in Despair of having a Self, not wanting in Despair to be Oneself, and wanting in Despair to be Oneself. While this method of understanding despair is useful and quite enlightening, I can’t help but obsess on the intruding Smart-Phone phallus that’s seems ubiquitous. I agree with you Senator in that these bouts of modern despair are prophylactic as Alfred Victor Vigny wrote, “Above all, we must abolish hope in the heart of man. A calm despair, without angry convulsion, without reproaches to Heaven, is the essence of wisdom.” And Daddy, this post is for the sacred Pantheon of the Senate and not for Fark. Filed under “Florida” and “Scary” there is this article.
ReplyDeletebut nero, are not Smart phones extensions of the final frontier? are they not expanding the frontier to newer and broader horizons? despairingly, i myself cannot help but see some hypocrisy here in the words of the "intarwebs" most fierce combatant. or, instead, positing another viewpoint, are they conquering it too quickly, decimating its indigenous population, and reducing them to small plots of land in apps where they are free from taxes and can build large prosperous facilities for the American populous to lose themselves in, yet still truly and opaquely trapped in their own loss of self?
ReplyDeletealso i pose this, as a more sophisticated, and well respected attempt at the views attempting to be expressed here on the Senate floor:
or the cliff notes version:
I Suppose it is all subjective, as with most anything. These gizmos could be the extension of the final frontier, but I have a deep visceral opposition to them. Honestly, it is hard for me to articulate (as you can tell with my lengthy post) but I suppose your right to point out some hypocrisy in my post in that I am a fierce combatant of the intarwebs. It seems to me that, while I revel in the e-freedom of 4chan and youtube, I draw some sort of metaphysical line when it comes to the pocket e-bricks. For some reason the Smart-Phone revolution makes it so I can't help but see the entire US as an obese 8th grader with a beastie boys t-shirt hiding in the bathroom with his iPhone to play Farm-ville and dodge gym class. Again, this despair is very hard for me to articulate, and may be some fucked idea that I keep revisiting. I suppose I see the Smart-Phone revolution as the death kiss to the ongoing Socratic debate. Even now, on my personal computer I am accompanied by *book* shelves (something I cant help but see as a living fossil exhibit) and family members I can engage in discourse. However, when the Smart-Phone revolution truly peaks (God only knows how soon that is) I have a deep seeded fear or paranoia that, especially Americans, will gaze into these gizmo's at an unprecedented level, decimating the need for human discourse and interaction, feeding themselves on vicarious living in the palm of there hand. I guess it comes down to me being comfortable to live vicariously on computer and TV screens, but not on hand held devices -- it just irks me. So expanding the final frontier or ending human discourse; both are equally likely. Only the truth which edifies is the truth for you. And for me I will despair quietly. Thank you for showing my own hypocrisy Post-Moderner, only with the help of others can I truly understand the roots of this Smart-Phone despair. Cheers!
ReplyDeletei only elucidate in order to bring out my shared despair from this revolution. it is hard not to notice the loss of human interaction. after spending a weekend in the state which you call home, with the generation that follows us (my 18 and 13 year old female cousins) i see it all too clearly. the youngest, and this is not an exaggeration, nor hyperbole, nor stretch of the truth in any other literary term, the 13 year old is responsible for 14,000, yesa 14,000 texts per month coming and going. and she does not have a smart phone. just one with a keyboard.
ReplyDeleteno i am not separate from this. i have a phone with a keyboard, and i have an ipod touch--essentially i have the iphone split into the inconvenience of 2 separate devices that i must carry around with me daily. and i too have found myself sitting in a room of friends and when the conversation slows, or bores me, or the commercials interrupt the episode of mythbusters we're watching, i find myself reaching into that right front pocket to and pulling out that little device full of apps to amuse myself with. its the anti-illectual crop rotation. the search for amusement is removed when it is provided instantaneously. there is no aesthetic enjoyment. no beads of sweat, no fat man's nose, merely a touch screen that makes my eyes sore. and i believe you are correct, and my cousin is proof, that these devices will lead to a soreness of the self as well. let us only hope, and i believe you give the youth too much credit, that that fat 8th grader is wearing a beastie boys tshirt, and not a justin bieber deep v.
You have done it Post-Moderner -- you have found the way to articulate my despair. It is the dread of the anti-intellectual crop rotation. Bravo and beautiful. This I will ruminate on endlessly. I love it. I will start an analysis of this e-crop rotation immediately as I think its true origins lie in the birth of "Channel Surfing" and progressed through the Personal Computer Revolution combined with the Video Game console revolution and now reached culmination in the Smart-Phone revolution. Sadly I now this is not the end, as its quite easy to see that we Senators were born at the right time to ride this wave of e-development in such a way that we still can, with the right kind of eyes, see the despair it harbors while also be young enough to ride the razors edge with friends and relatives just a few years younger than us that are "in it" so to speak. Sooner or latter we will have iGlasses and iGloves -- that is, as you so aptly reminded me, if the Western World doesn't collapse under the next Justin Bieber single. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteThe crop-rotation method, Kierkegaard argues, would eventually lead aesthetes to a state of despair, because all activities, no matter how unique or new, will eventually become boring: “I don't feel like doing anything. I don't feel like riding - the motion is too powerful; I don't feel like walking - it is too tiring; I don't feel like lying down, for either I have to stay down, and I don't feel like doing that or I would have to get up again, and I don't feel like doing that, either. Summa Summarum: I don't feel like doing anything.” - Either/Or, p. 4 The aesthete, Kierkegaard predicts, realizing and responding to the futility of one's hedonistic finite aims, will yearn to experience a more meaningful life. -- But we don't even need to get up to e-crop rotate, merely reach into our pockets and look down.