The muses’ decision to sing or not to sing is never based on the elevation of your moral purpose—they will sing or not regardless.



Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Red Head: There and Back Again, a Bachelor Party's Tale of New Orleans - Part 2

The storms of the day prior continued the morning Bilcole began his journey.  The sun had not yet risen in the East when he lifted his weary head from the soft comfort of his pillow and threw back the warmth of his blankets.  

Bilcole had hardly slept that night. The stress of the journey ahead had started a day early and plagued him until his eyes could no longer stay open. The storm had made travel impossible. Winds, sleet, snow and rain plagued the northeastern borders of Middle Earth that Bilcole called home.  No one who wanted to could leave, and most did not venture out from their homes. The land had been locked down, and the steel eagles Bilcole depended on to take him to New Orleans had been too timid to take off for fear of getting lost or damaged in the snow filled clouds. The unfortunate consequence of this was that Bilcole's comradeship was forced to disband.  In order to have any hope of reaching their journey's end, the Fellowship of the Bachelor was forced to go their separate ways and to try and converge again at their final destination.  This meant many things for the adventurers.  The Bachelor himself was forced to travel by ground with his brethern on an exceedingly long and trying over night journey. Others journeyed to the nearby city of Philadelphia, known for the great companionship and love with which it shows it brothers – they hoped to benefit from such open-ended comradery . Gan-Kwon the Asian was attempting to fly out on a different steel eagle with another companion, leaving Bilcole to fend for himself. A year of planning had gone by and in a single act of nature it was all thrown to the wind. However, the trepidation Bilcole had experienced when the adventure had first arrived on his doorstep had turned into excitement and expectation - expectation that he would not let down. After many frustrating hours of waiting and holding and dealing with the witches of the Delta, who held the passes to the eagles, Bilcole was able to secure a position aboard a bird hoping to take flight before the storms were at their worst.  

So that morning, when Bilcole awoke, he was filled with nerves. After all, the Delta witches had assured him two times prior he was to leave for New Orleans in the morn, yet twice he had been let down.  And with the others already on their way, this was his last chance.


In the twilight of the morning sky Bilcole left his adorned home and took the first steps of his adventure.  He went beneath the Earth itself to ride the iron centipedes that would take him to the land where he would meet the steel eagles, a grand palace filled with commuters, rangers, adventurers and all matter of beasts from far off lands, known only as JFK.  

Much to his delight, Bilcole arrived at JFK without a hitch.  When we came back to the Earth's surface however, he saw that the storm had already started and his gut was instantly filled with dread.

"I have come this far already." Bilcole said to himself.  "There is no turning back now."

Despite the storm his eagle was scheduled to depart as planned.  He boarded and nestled under the wing of the great beast, next to a sleeping dark skinned man.  Bilcole himself was exhausted from the lack of sleep and the stress brought on from embarking the adventure of a lifetime, and so he himself quickly nodded off as well.  

He awoke two hours later to find the eagle was still sitting on the ground, and had hardly moved since he had sat down.  The elves that tended to the animal claimed there was a "mechanical issue" and that this bird would not be leaving for some time.

This was grave news.  Bilcole had to meet another bird in the distant metal city of Detroit, and from there yet another eagle would take him to the southron town of Memphis where yet another bird’s flight would finally have him arrive in New Orleans.  All this insanity, of course was courtesy of the wicked storm brewing in the skies and those even more wicked witches at Delta.

“This place is more likely run by orcs then not.  Sauron himself must have cursed this trip for it to have fallen on such ill fate.” Bilcole thought to himself.

But he had no choice, and so Bilcole climbed down from the eagle and began to speak franticly with one of the elves of JFK.  The elf was nice, as elves are, and tried his best to help but his hands were bound. There was but one eagle to fly out of this part of Middle Earth, and it was going to the distant desert land of Dallas, home to the infamous cowboys.

“There is no turning back now.” Bilcole had no choice but to acquiesce.


Now, what happened next was a journey within a journey.  The factors are boring mostly and so the readers of this tale shall be spared them in detail.  But needless to say, Bilcole’s first, initially simple task of merely arriving in the city of New Orleans was made not so simple.  The birds took him to Dallas where he heard news from a fox and ate chicken from a man with popped eyes.  He was then flown to another southron city: Atlanta.  Bilcole’s time there was short as the next eagle was set to fly out just moments after his arrival.  And so, with hardly any time to catch his breath Bilcole ran through the palace that housed the birds in Atlanta and hopped onto to his next flight grabbing on by the talons as the beast beat its wings and ascended into the air.

Finally, after many arduous days (17 hours by the time of humans) of flying, running, and trudging through snow and sleet, Bilcole arrived in the great and legendary city of New Orleans. It was time to reconvene with the fellowship, and for the festivus of Mardigras to begin.


  1. I saved the delight of reading until far into this morning. Drunk off a night worth of lone wolf worcester bottles, sharking beers off an obstinately queer bottle-tender. I will be Chrodo to your Bilcole, reading of your travels.

    Note: I queued up "Thick as a brick" before reading, to be properly settled in mania. The tune fits words stroke for stroke, and then some.

    Eagles steeled are demon. I look very lovelyingly toward next-- as preliminary words whispered of $25 mithril armors, boxom wood elves and Naughty-ashas of the Bruin.

    Hail and well to darlings of the sail!

  2. Cole, my beloved friend. I wait with truly baited breath for the third installment of this adventure. The Third is ALWAYS a charm. THPS 3 makes that ABUNDANTLY clear. I love the fellow traveler, and so desire your insight. Please update us and fill the void I so clearly am able to distinctly perceive. Your voice on this Senate floor is GREATLY valued and I hope it continues till the GOOGLE servers (from hell or heaven) CRASH. Thanks for the update, But I want to know more! I hope all is well and another installment is in the works! Cheers and much love to all members of Senate.

