The muses’ decision to sing or not to sing is never based on the elevation of your moral purpose—they will sing or not regardless.



Monday, October 4, 2010

To Bottomless Manhattans for All

We start with the philosopher's protagonist
Hiding in the pages of a blasphemous sermon
A thought, an inkling, a form

The check's on the table
The number is on the line

He remembers that phrase
A profound piece of philosophical rhetoric
A speech, a dialogue, an argument

The money's coming soon
Bills must be paid

These ideas shall take hold
An orator made famous
A change, a chance, a condition

Everything must sparkle
Everything must shine



  2. Baruch Spinoza - 'Why do men fight for their servitude as stubbornly as though it were their salvation?'

    Oh right... because we are all suffering the angst of post-industrial man under late capitalism, and have bills to pay. But thanks for the thought Spinoza.

  3. Alls I got to say is stop beina bunch of uncle toms.

  4. Anonymous, while your comments are always appreciated and the Senate is always in need of vocal members, especially since the tragic loss of our Daddy (he never comes around any more, perhaps he takes after Mommy), what is a Senator without a name? It is time to come forth from the shadows and make thyself known. For Senate is glory and glory is not anonymous.

