The muses’ decision to sing or not to sing is never based on the elevation of your moral purpose—they will sing or not regardless.



Thursday, May 27, 2010

Life in Ancient Rome

Rome was the largest and most beautiful city of the ancient world.

The magnificent facade of the empire, however, could not conceal the seeds of decay. The unhealthy dependence of the economy on slaves, the great disparity between rich and poor.

Behind the splendor of the forum were vast areas of crowded slums. Escape from the slums was difficult for there were few jobs available, practically none for the unskilled. To keep vital citizens entertained and out of mischief frequent games and spectacles were held at public expense.

At first only chariot races were held,

but soon brutal combat to the death had become popular.

Earlier in Rome's history elected officials, senators, ruled. But soon all power had absorbed by the emperor who was above the law and ruled by decree.

That a people as civilized as the Romans with the most humane system of law ever formed would tolerate the violation of human beings is astonishing. This imbalance and irresponsible behavior by public officials would become major reasons for Rome's eventual decline.


....not someone inconveniencing others with my needs as a deaf person.

if only she knew that 10 years later she'd end up awkwardly moaning on the senate's projector screen


if only our favorite post-moderner could be here too... :-(

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

If it pleases the senate ...

The forbidden fruit must be tasted!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

a most serious breach of senate

young senators, and old, you are not taking the senate serious enough.

let us not allow the senate to become another blog lost to the wildness of the free net. let us not allow disillusioned ideas of an anarchic world of pink elephants free to trample whom they please to be overrun by disillusioned notions of a nazi cartoonist tubed all over you by the huskies of eve.

run wild, run free. but i acquiesce that this power of freedom be respected, not trampled upon. with restraint over these bold minds something may yet come to be accomplished through wild rantings. a daddy may emerge from the fray and speak out; for he is not heard as of yet. except in the wild minds of those senators who have truly harnessed the power of gravity.

and so merrily may we roll along this sea of Kierkegaard, Disney, cigarettes, and cocks, but always, always with self-reverence. and always, dearest senators, with the true goals of the senate ahead. for though they shall not always be clear, they shall always guide us through the winds of our subconscious, beyond the realms of aesthetics, ethics, and all things material, to that true idea of Friendship that floats high up in the stars, right next to Orion's dick.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

"Our dogs are totally dating right now"

The future may not need us, but guess what THE INTERNET PROVIDES!
Follow Kevin's lifestyle of modding his own personal e-cig while listening to Rock&Roll on cassette tape.

Sick as a Dog; Still Smoking

Pass on the word: the future doesn't need us.

The Way of the Samurai

The Way of the Samurai is found in death. Meditation on inevitable death should be performed daily. Every day, when one's body and mind are at peace, one should meditate upon being ripped apart by arrows, rifles, spears, and swords, being carried away by surging waves, being thrown into the midst of a great fire, being struck by lightning, being shaken to death by a great earthquake, falling from thousand-foot cliffs, dying of disease or committing seppuku at the death of one's master. And every day, without fail, one should consider himself as dead. This is the substance of the Way of the Samurai.

and in the youtube 4chan google orgy that is this "post modern wasteland" we live in, meditate with fury.

It is bad when one thing becomes two. One should not look for anything else in the Way of the Samurai. It is the same for anything that is called a Way. If one understands things in this manner, he should be able to hear about all ways and be more and more in accord with his own. All our concepts are based on accepting external objects as separate from the inner perceiving mind and taking them to be real.By letting go of all these concepts through meditation on the minds emptiness this duality, the veils are cleared away and the light of the Wisdom mind, self aware self illuminator is experienced. This is a very profound experience and even for those who experience it, it is difficult to explain.

intarwebs blog zen fart.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Aesthete

Burning logs and drinking sherry in the youtube era

isn't always easy.

Sometimes we need a little help from Kierkegaard, Irish poets

and sexually frustrated German philosophers.

First, a little something from "Either/Or" The Seducers Diary.

"Today I saw her for the first tme at Mrs Jansen's.

I was introduced.She didn't seem much concerned or take

much note of me. I behaved as unobtrusively as possible to

be the more attentive ... I made a few cool, almost

nonchalant remarks to her which were retuned with

undeserved courtesy. Then they left. I could have offered

to accompany them, but that would have been enough to

mark me down as a ladies' man and I am convinced she

cannot be won in that way."

A Drinking Song

Wine comes in at the mouth

And love comes in at the eye;

That’s all we shall know for truth

Before we grow old and die.

I lift the glass to my mouth,

I look at you, and I sigh.

-W.B. Yeats

And maybe we will finish with some Nietzsche

"What else is love but understanding and rejoicing in the fact that another person lives, acts, and experiences otherwise than we do?"

Enough aesthetic banter for one post.


"Senate" How to Guide: Dying at the Right Time

Gentlemen, I have drafted an invention today. While mowing the lawn, this thought occurred to me. It gives me great pleasure to announce the advent of:

The Marvelous Mechanical Dick Sucking Machine!

Clearly, gentlemen, this concept is not entirely original-- It has existed since animal was first domesticated. However! What makes this iteration so revolutionary is its construction of common household materials and rugged durability.

1x Medium sized vacuum, good condition is preferable, snake hose attachment is essential.
2x Latex gloves, or similar material if you are allergenic.
1x Slim wall tack or sewing needle.
5x Elastic Bands
1x Bottle of Lubricant- any type will do.
1x Bag of Ice

Now senators, I promise I am serious. I would never lie to you. I wrote this whilst defecating- now I must go buy some personal vice items--
After the break! I'll show you how to take these common items and create your own:

The Marvelous Mechanical Dick Sucking Machine!


And we're back!

1. Perforate two latex (or otherwise) gloves with little holes.
2. Liberally line both gloves with lubricant, stick one pair inside other so elastic (lipped end) glove cuffs line up.
3. Insert glove bulk fingers first inside nozzle. Leave glove cuffs outside nozzle.
4. Flip down cuffs along nozzle and secure with elastic bands until tight.
5. Once secured firmly, turn on vacuum. Suction should be at an interesting level. Insert member and commence pleasuring oneself. Twist in clockwise or counter-clockwise motions. Cool vacuum with ice to prevent overheating.

Business: High Lifes and 100s.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Personal Responsibility: "Is Heroin Too Tempting?"

Ladies of the Senate,
Nip the buds. Shoot your kids.
Fifty generations of imbeciles are enough, the scourge of youth must finally be addressed. Like rotten maggot filled pomegranates still clung to the tree, America's youths need to be ground into an industrial paste we can sell to soft drink companies.

We have options. Ladies, think of the economy. One solution that occurs to me just now: Enlist all under 30, illegals included, into an entertainment militia. Ship them to Dachau and film them tearing each other to bits. It could have bi-weekly installments on HBO. Other options, pack youths into concrete encasements and use them to plug up BP oil leaks- Topical! Urban renewal Afganistan: ship 'em over and make a reality series (think of the rent and utility money!). Cultivate a phoney youth revolution, collectivize academics and non-profits, then purge the departments at will- Ho-ho! Weave uranium strands into skinny pants, perhaps positioned over the wearer's erogenous zone, hopefully exposure will sterilize this sub-population. Imagination is our only limit!

Ladies, ladies, clearly the details need to be investigated further- and economic output maximized. But for now, let us pass motion of intent and support.

I can see some of our gathered member's rolling their eyes. But cynics! Notice our opposition- there's none! We've all half-thought these measures through to ourselves, in quiet moments spoiled by youth's rancor. These beasts cannot even keep clean the nice things we bestow them in charity, much less even attempt to better themselves.

There is room for only one allegiance in each heart, youths have made their choice. We Americans, however, must reconfirm our own faith and see the inevitable course through.

Ladies, a mother's love must be brutal and unflinching.
It is spring: nip the buds. Shoot your kids.

the gentlemen discuss the senate (names and events slightly edited)


been with you such a long time

ooooooo you make a me live

ooooooo you make me give now huney

Post Moderner

so how is it a birthday present if you arent paying


we et to o together

my g stops working someitmes

we get to go together

+ information is taxed man

but i actually called

im talking like bowie knives man

with leather sheaths

Post Moderner

on your dick


no no no

just the same size

and cut to look like an erect penis

our respectively erect penises

so we will have knives crafted after our penises

think about it

Post Moderner

they can make knives that look like coke cans?


i mean just show a gal what shes gettin in for before the date


i give you cock knives and you give me coke cans

what is this world

Post Moderner

thats love my friend


so temprature gauge

ive tried to hold back


should i just go retarded

like full on retard, retarded?

Post Moderner

i mean

as long as its senator


like a downs syndrome senator with an ensure buzz gettin that beastial testosterone kick at a water park and attacking a minor in the bath house?

i get the feelin im never gonna make it past 25
Post Moderner

thats 2 more years my friend



oh god

Post Moderner

2 more years of diarrhea


see you in senate

must fix



Post Moderener

see you in senate


senate senestata

the true post modern

"God gave rock and roll to you, gave rock and roll to you
Put it in the soul of everyone

Do you know what you want? You don't know for sure
You don't feel right, you can't find a cure
And you're gettin' less than what you're lookin' for

You don't have money or a fancy car
And you're tired of wishin' on a falling star
You gotta put your faith in a loud guitar."

Monday, May 17, 2010

present company

those senator's chairs are reserved for observing the guests in the foyer.

they pride themselves on the minds of those in the cul de sac who raise intellectual bones to Kierkegaard and Nietzsche.

Binge, Booty and Bragging Points


Note: I'm not supposed to have internet alone like this.

Here's something interesting.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hearts in Need Make Symphonies

The mountain of this urban wasteland is a silver dung hill of love.

Those beetles that build and pile and toil and ask for nothing in return only narrowly escape the claws of the rooster climbing atop the pile to crow.

The scream of the auburn feathered bird does little to pierce the cloud of stench the pile has inflicted upon the objectivity of this word.

Three Generations of Imbeciles are Enough

I rolled out of bed at noon today.
I poured a juice glass of Gilbey's with an ice cube and sat on the porch with Newports 100.

Mark "Porkchop" Holder is a good man.

I saw a former high school classmate the other day, now he's fat and works at a department store. He didn't recognize me and I pretended the same.

As they say, " You gotta vomit if you ever wanna dance"
so let the vomiting begin.
