The muses’ decision to sing or not to sing is never based on the elevation of your moral purpose—they will sing or not regardless.



Thursday, March 19, 2015

Dedication of the Cathedral of The Times

Delivered by Rev. Zimmermann on Tuesday, March 17th 2015,

Friends and Blessed Saints,
This night we consecrate the construction of a new temple to the aethers of the mind.

The Cathedral of the Times

Below the surface of Ancient Quincy, this sylvian chapel rededicates human aspiration before the void of natural mystery.
In the spirit of crucibles past-- notably the lost Church of Time's Dome--
these stone and timber walls will be anointed vessels to the thoughts and endeavors it shall foster and contain.

And so, we offer this chalice of Gordon's Gin, this bowl of Goya Black Beans water-- held in surviving relics of the beloved Time's Dome-- as sacrifice.

*Bowl is extended as gathered congregants drink of black bean water

May the uncomfortably warm, viscous and salty bean water-- remind us of the thick bitterness found in life's failures.
May it's bitterness drive us forward.

*Chalice is extended as gathered congregants drink of Gordon's Gin

May the sweet and smooth fire of gin remind us of the glow of friendship found in comradery.
May it echo the joy and heart of success, the glory in tasks complete.
May we chase it's warmth.

*Candles are lit. Congregants take hold and slowly spin across the cathedral ground. Attention is paid to all entrances and windows. The Toilets and Slaughterhouse shower are particularly blessed to ward evil.

May the spectral dead, May waking ghosts find sustenance and home here--
May they remain and guide our purpose.

*Chalice and Bowl are gathered, candles gathered. Relics exit and are stowed in sacred containers. Congregants walk Cathedral once more by candle light.

All light is extinguished.

Exeunt Omnes.

Softly Barrett's Privateer's was whispered in the style of Stan Rogers:

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