The muses’ decision to sing or not to sing is never based on the elevation of your moral purpose—they will sing or not regardless.



Sunday, March 31, 2013


I’m in Rubber soled Sneakers
held together by Glue
Made from Wild Horses.

Put together by fingers
on a Faraway shore
Driven by a master devoid of love and

Toe nails covered by cotton unkind.
Lessons of Love radiate

In my Mind,

The soles of my feet pray for rain
while neurons in my brain
fire this painful refrain.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Comedian

I think the holocaust made being naked really complicated for everybody. It was like national geographic, as a kid, watching those documentaries in class or late night History Channel or wherever. You’d always see the piles of bodies and, as a child, my eyes would zero in and look at each man’s penis. Breasts and vaginas were there too I guess. But the penises I remember. And they were penises, not cocks really. Cocks started in 1974, I’ve decided after reviewing the footage. It requires a lot more leisure and nutrition than was available in those times to grow a proper girthed and manually practiced cock.

Honestly, I don’t think cocks really exist anywhere except in our heads. What I mean is cocks are the idea and fantasy, but the piles of 3inch flaccid penises are the reality. Looking at those black and white people was kinda like the high school gym showers, but more like the YMCA. The universal penis on display and it fucks everybody up. We can handle cocks, they blend into the scenery much easier. But I certainly ain’t the first to say penises are a bummer.

I grew up around here, outside the city I mean. Right on that line where they forgot to keep building shit. So there used to be trees and rocks and stuff like that. The woods would just take over, man, fellas with chainsaws would be out every summer weekend hacking that shit back to keep their yards from turning into savages’ playpens. Out back as a kid, right past the tree line, kinda swallowed in brush and leaves were these disintegrating tarpaper and twine chicken houses. Big ol’ crummy sheds to keep the little fuckers in, you know? Being a naturally stupid child I broke the rusted-over locks and would sneak inside. Then for whatever reason I’d dig down into the dirt floors—for treasure? Treasure, yes. I finally hit the jackpot one day, broke through that boring dirt barrier and got to the mounds of dog skulls, tuna cans and chicken rib cages. That’s a special day for a young man, to hold his first dog skull—probably some prized whippet from the 1890s county fair. Being a stupid child, who never really thought before doing shit—I remember kissing it on the teeth. Why not! But then I freaked out realizing what I did and just spat and cried and ran and washed my face out with detergent and just kinda shivered like a Mongoloid.

Haha, that’s stupid. So anyway, somebody once said that half of all problems start by ascribing lots of complicated reasons to something in order to avoid the very simple things at the bottom. You know, okay, suits me. Let’s try it. Maybe daddy drinks because of a bad accident he once saw on the highway? Maybe Robbie is such a shit because his grandmother found his 13year old thai murder porn stash and the old dame refused to rat out her own grandson? Maybe General Electric makes cars because Teddy Roosevelt had night terrors unless he was snuggly tucked in the back seat of a Model T with three or four gentlemen companions? Maybe airlines are terrible because cabbalist monks saw forty seven feathers descend from the Giza pyramids one Walpurgisnacht in 1963? Or maybe shit ain’t really that crazy, we just desperately need it to be. Like some hick 12 year old fucking a pig by candlelight, we just need her to be real and daddy not to catch us.

Whatever, it’s all stupid. I like cars, anyone else here like cars? God, I can’t do this. Sorry the car shit is over—I have a really intense memory of shame from being ten years old. It was the magic summer of masturbation, where one month before it was hot wheels and another later it was the hot heels in Spanish music videos. It was right then, the weekend after the first jerk session that actually meant something, that my Aunt decided to take me camping with her boys. I was a pig in rut. I ran to the little outside wooden shit trench, propped the door closed and beat off every twenty minutes. It was something. I remember my cousins banging on the door—Just a minute! I’d have to start from scratch, paranoid and sweaty. Finishing a half hour of tears later, only to desperately pretend all was normal when I got back to the campsite. There was a plastic port-a-potty by the beach and that was my castle. I took a pocket knife and cut a little hole, and just rubbed raw watching the ladies swimming—finally thought to use the hand sanitizer(wink) . That was a magic summer.

G’night Ladies and Gents, you’ve been great. Ricky Thomas is up next! Thank you.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Pot

Roots from the earth guided by suns wamrth to form weeds.
From the roots, the stem splits from the stalk to form arms bearing buds.
Within the recess, trichomes of profound mystery.
Where may she be grown?
Where can her profundity be shared?
Only Behind deadbolted doors and on a screen of brass.
Or trapped in a Skin made from her sister.
Hidden from sight; exiled to a street corner, lost in a crowd.
Kept secret in containers of glass with an iron roof.
She burns alone and misunderstood.
Bring her from the shadows of the BlackMarket
and radiate her golden Strength to all the
Wounded, Sickly, and Dieing.
Allow her grace to bless!
instead of confuse, blind and Strengthen the Wicked.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Different Guides

Guide Number Four
(1) Walk with INTENT
(2) Ask Everyone you encounter their proper "Christian" name
(3) Treat all individuals as soft furry animals sleeping in the grass
(4) Speak with Honesty, even if it puts a Colt '45 to your temple with a hollow point in the chamber
(5) Maintain appropriate eye contact
(6) Remember where you parked the car
(7) Remember to forget

Guide Number Six
- Respect the landlord
- Don't share your problems
- Don't show your weakness
- Don't tip the cabbie
- Only fill up the tank in NJ
- Supply, stock and shelve Boxed Red Wine
- AVOID ALL EYE contact
- Shoot the messenger (2 in the chest, 1 in the head)
- Only compliment yourself
- Only use "otis" elevators
- Wear wooden shoes up escalators
- Obey all stoplight signals

Guide Number Nine
- Replace all Church hymn lyrics with the word Watermelon (you will leave feeling better)
- Write Russian literature on company post-it notes
- Learn Spanish Cursive
- Lock your car doors three times
- Enjoy your HARD earned 3 day weekend
- Always be full of pride, even if it kills your friends and family while Strengthening your enemies
- Subscribe to Readers Digest
- Be the applause, NEVER receive it
