I just awoke from a day dream in my senatorial recliner where I was swept away to a beautiful future. One not too far geographically and can exist immediately with enough joint retard strength.

California! Fellow senators California! We need to take advantage of a recent economic boom - the green rush.

I realize we need California drivers license and residency to acquire one of these, but thanks to some contacts with my cousin Van it should not be a problem. With access to legal amounts of medical marijuana and legal grow ops we can get this dream underway.

Now, with so many people going after the hills of green gold we need to be organized. That means division of labor gentlemen. I don't consider myself a Caesar by any means but have some great roles/jobs we can each take over (any of which you can veto or offer new if desired).
Po-Mo: Art-Marketing-Photography
Senator: Farming supervisor, Blog Webmaster
Daddy: Security, Legal guideline Supervisor
Nero: Vaporization Research and Development, Electronic Entertainment
Now what is this OPERATION I am dreaming of? Gentlemen of the Senate we are going to open ....
"The Senate" - A Vaporizer Lounge for Gentlemen
All holders of legal medical marijuana cards with appropriate limits on purchase can come in and enjoy a regal room with senatorial recliners with individual entertainment systems. 32 inch LCD with all movies games and TV shows on demand. Also you can have LAN support and play with your fellow senators in the room. (Including support for classic titles like THPS 3/4/Underground and Snow Board Kids 2 and all DBZ Games)
I have been doing research on the most sophisticated vaporizing method for years and am sure I can create the most efficient and powerful way to vaporize. I think given enough time with Chris overseeing the grow ops with his farming experience and Jared making sure the legal guideline are met with Coles art and photography marketing skills. This is a real future, though now only a dream.
For more information on medical marijuana in the US go to...
California might not be the best state, if your interested look at the laws and come up with alternatives.
Cheers Senator! Love for you all!