Get the beat going. I'm a firm believer that immediately after death we are all greeted by the Ol'DB and smoke rock on the curb of the afterlife.
An Auschwitz survivor commented, "Today is just a hair away from yesterday. My grandson and many his age dress up and kiss ass, will be anybody you want them to be, just so they might work for free. They call it an internship. I call it demeaning. Call them interns, call it an internship whatever you wish- all I hear is the echo of 'Work Will Set You Free'."
Work Will Set You Free, whether it is done for free for college credit or for money, Work Will Set You Free.
Its pretty, to think about all this great stuff we do. Hustle with ipads, sculpt resumes, volunteer to "round ourselves out", buy suits and nice work skirts, enter temp agencies and shake hands, call up friend's parents, call friend's of friend's parent's cousin and ask (at the very least) for their "advice", aggressively work at 'social/professional networking'-- then we go to our "looking for career opportunities" support group on the upper west side, we sit in coffee shops and comfort and be comforted by friends as we discuss the 'new normal', cry in bathrobes on rainy days next to foggy windows holding a cold cup of coffee-- we rush to work so we might be set free.
It is a pretty thought to think.
More thoughts to think
Henry Kissinger said in 1970, "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people."
More Thoughts to Think
This will be the last time I write/discuss/think about this stupid subject. But.
I was kicking a rock and I came to the conclusion that the American conception of authenticity is a fetishization of people without choices/options. As Nero conjecture, 'the Lawyer free to day dream about being an ice cream man.' But in particular I mean, the American conception has a distinct envy for those unburdened by the responsibility of choice. Ex. He took over the family liquor store, he ran out of school money and went right back with his father uncles and cousins to work in the factory.
Without choice we can blame something/someone besides ourselves for our dissatisfactions.
What pretty thoughts to think- where you at odb
Senate once, Senate again
ReplyDeleteI think I thought a thought once, but it wasn't pretty.
ReplyDeleteNow that internet has returned to the post modern, the post modern can return to the internet, and better yet, to the Senate.
There are many thoughts yet to be thought and yet to be shared on the Senate floor. Oh what exciting times lie ahead -- for all of us.