The muses’ decision to sing or not to sing is never based on the elevation of your moral purpose—they will sing or not regardless.



Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Senate Formula or How to Stimulate Your Tinfoil Hat,

or Everyday is Paaaydaaay, or Watch the Goddamn Movies.

(Try Again: Senate #2)
Instructions: Play Ke$ha. Repeat throughout post as necessary.
Watch the movies. All of them; co-mingled with Ke$ha for A+ points.


Hail horrors, hail
Infernal world, and thou profoundest Hell
Receive thy new possessor: One who brings
A mind not to be changed by place or time. Here at least
We shall be free; the Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence:
Here we may reign secure, and in my choice
To reign is worth ambition though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell, then serve in Heaven.

I had never seen a person hit by a gasoline bomb before...

Christopher Michael Zimmermann
Vowel Breakdown
3- i
Multiply these values and you get 18. On the periodic table 18 is Argon.
Clearly, I am destined by fate to transmute Argon into Gold. The periodic # for gold (AU) is 79. Subtract 18 from 79, you're left with 61- or 6/1. So on June 1st of this year I will discover a simple means of transmuting Argon into Gold.



The antidote is friendship?

The antidote is Zeppelin?

There is no night in the city of senate, no matter how low the sun might sink.


  1. i find it difficult, as i often do in our physical meetings, to follow the stream of consciousness through this post. yet despite the collection of random narratives, i find there are odd connections made here to my own personal life. perhaps that senator was not aware of himself.

    for example:
    my mother works for the rockefellers and why just last month i was dining in their play house at a holiday dinner for rockefeller preserve volunteers. she also lived in greece as a child, and egypt during the suez canal crisis.

    the day of reckoning in which senator shall "discover a simple means of transmuting Argon into Gold", that is June 1st, 2011, will be my 24th birthday.

    the antidote is friendship

    senator is a most random fellow and a most brilliant mandolin player apparently (if that is really him). cheers to the senator in all his ubiquity! [and be sure to follow him on twitter.]

  2. Fortuitous coincidences! these coincidences~!
    Or is there allowed to be such a thing nowadays?

    Symbolic overlaps Po-Mo- but!
    What is the significance of the children's crusade?
    Suppressed ill-begotten journeys of jugend?

    Am I the cigarettes or the cat?

    (Plus Re-edit. Out with butter in with BREAD.)

  3. Cheers! CheersCheersCheers at this post. It must be the managers at Wall-mart that keep those EUROPEAN riots in Europe and out of the God Fearing Country! Or Maybe it's Ke$ha that is keeping the riots from happening here....


    I suppose the antidote is (un-ironic) Led Zeppelin but that's hard to come by these days. Since perception rules and that (I hope) earnest cover of The Battle of Evermore could be regarded ironic, we might be better off relying on friendship instead.

