A Preamble
The bells of the Senate ring again. Come senators, gather once more. As our fore-senators claimed-- "Men exist for the sake of one another"-- so it shall be. Gather again for both ourselves and our fellows. One wave of the many senate seasons has passed beneath us, another rises ahead. New days, new tasks to fill them-- but none so great as those now before us.
Again I quote the philosopher-king, "Such as are your habitual thoughts, such also will be the character of your mind; for the soul is dyed by the thoughts." Roll your shirtsleeves and let us coat our forearms in dyes.
Of Angry Young Men
Young passion has been much maligned, not always justly. "Anger cannot be dishonest," so say our fore-runners. Youth and the present are ours-- fellow senators, let us not waste these precious days of honesty.
Though our own strength is unequal to the task of Senate, do not assume that it is beyond the powers of man; but if anything is within the powers and province of man, believe that it is within our own compass also.
Gentlemen of the Senate, we hold discourse above a desert void. Blazing from the wasteland we move forward. Hiatus concluded, the Senate has re-opened.
Senate now, forever Senate.
ReplyDeleteIt thrills me to see the Senate being revived with such passion and purpose. Your photographic illustration hearkens back to the fine art that decorated the Senate House of old, and hung poised and phallic above those majestic Senate chairs.
I am only pained to see that the mature, sophisticated, and aesthetically appealing color scheme which I so laboriously appointed to the e-Senate floor was discarded for the look of an online American Apparel store. We are not in Brooklyn yet fine Senator. Let us hold on to our sophistication for as long as we can.
May I demonstrate my thrill for the revival of the Senate with a post on the modern man. Long live the senate, whatever decorum it comes in. It is in those majestic Senate chairs with goblets over-flowing do we all now sit, Cheers Senators! Long live the Senate!
ReplyDeleteI rescind my alterations against tonal perfection.