7:15am: Feed 2 cats and 1 dog. Coffee is on. Is this what it's like to have kids? Nancy Pelosi is on MSNBC talking about the Middle East and the Malaysian plane that was shot down in the Ukraine. Too early to be this depressed. Switch to the Today Show. Some teenage/tween boy-band called "Summer Forever" or "Forever Summer" or "7up Forever" or something like that is about to perform. Too early to be this depressed.
8:00am: The cab I called to take me to the train station is 5 minutes early. EARLY!!!! WHY??? Now I'm going to be 20 minutes early for the train instead of my planned 15 minutes. Sigh.
9:20am: I arrive to the office early (again) and looked for a coffee shop nearby to buy an iced coffee, but there is only McDonald's on the block. I think about it. The word "McCafé" literally runs through my mind. But alas, snobbiness (healthiness?) will not allow me to pass through the doors. Fitting, since yesterday I had an argument with a friend about Applebee's and chain restaurants in general. He defended it, and called me a yuppy for refusing to go to chains, but he's the one who got married and moved to the Pennsylvanian suburbs - where they only have Applebee's - so really I think he's the yuppy. Or, is he just American? Do yuppies eat at Applebee's? I wouldn't think so. Maybe that I have to ask proves I'm not one (small victory for me!). Side note, is it possible to be a hipster and a yuppy? I was accused of both during this conversation. Or, does he just not understand the difference? Or, is there a difference? Or, are they both just meaningless labels? Or, do I just not understand the difference myself? Probably that last one.
9:30am: I arrive at my office for the day. Fit-modeling is an easy, but incredibly boring (and in my opinion, meaningless, although I'm not complaining) job. I am here to try on outfits for perspective buyers, but I mostly sit on my computer and play addicting, mindless online games and write inane blog posts when I should be writing emails looking for more "real" work. Perhaps even more inane, or insane, is that I am doing so from the storage closet of the office here because there was no desk space. One might think that if people in an office knew that the next day there would be an extra person in said office, that accommodations may need to be made....but then one might be over thinking. "The Office" is now a much more understandable television show.
10:45am: The first prospective buyer of the day wants to see me in a pair of jeans. "It's relaxed-slim-fit." the sales-woman tells him. "Oh! How modern!" exclaims the buyer. Back to the storage closet.
1:00pm: One of the random emails I sent, while not playing mindless online computer games or avoiding depressing current events, resulted in the hunt for a large sailboat for a photo-shoot. So, that is how I spent most of the morning not logged here - using social media and whatever other resources available to me to procure a sailboat for a photo-shoot for I don't know what, with I don't know who, on I only vaguely know when. Although I'm currently working on the how, I definitely cannot asses as to the why. Stay tuned for updates later in the day. In-between all of this I tried on another pair of jeans, and a shirt too.
2:00pm: After having been told I could take lunch at 1 o'clock, then at 2 o'clock, then back to 1 o'clock, then "Go eat now, but be back at 1:30 for an appointment!" (1:15pm) I left in a hungry hurry to get my food, and some non storage closet air. I wanted a sandwich, but I felt pressure to be fast and also did not want to spend too much money. It being midtown at lunch hour, those two things were basically impossible. Needless to say I ended up with Japanese curry-rice bought in Korea Town and eaten in a storage closet.
2:30pm: IMPORTANT UPDATE! I know it has only been half an hour since my last entry, but this must be recorded. I have been allowed to move into the main room of the office! That is to say, the storage closet is now only storing my belongings, pens, clothes, and other things that go in storage closets when they are not being occupied by 27 year old fit-models. It appears I've managed to move from storage closet to corner office in the span of an afternoon. Now THAT is fit-modeling. So to the storage room, I'd like to say the following:
Over the course of the morning we grew close. Although initially dismayed for being forced upon like a wingman on a fat sister, I think in the end we did great work together. I found work (in boats) and love (in online games) and we even shared a meal. In the end I had to move on. You're doing what you were made to do now, and I think it's better for you. Just don't be sad when I have to come back at the end of the day to get the stuff I left there the in the morning.
With love always,
3:30pm: I am back in the storage closet. Like a dog that shat on the rug I've been relegated to my crate. After the briefest glimpse of open fields and endless chew toys I'm back to confinement with nothing left to do but spin in a circle of despair and find a resting place until I'm let out again.
Hi there again storage closet. I'm back. But you always knew that I would be. I could never leave you, not for long. Let's start over. Start fresh. A clean slate. It'll be like nothing ever changed.
Thankfully yours,
5:30pm: 20 minutes ago I had a cup of coffee because I had nothing else to do and my head was starting to hurt from internetting for too long. Now I'm feeling neurotic and worried I will be up all night and late for office day number two tomorrow. Also, I know I got here at 9:30, but isn't the point of a 9-5 that you're done at 5? It's now 5:30pm, we're all still here. Even if you account for the half hour shift, I should no longer be here. I do not believe I understand Office.
6:30pm: I am finally done and leaving the office for the day. Running home to feed and walk my dog who is probably doing more weird jiggly things with his butt since he has not been walked in nearly 12 hours. Hopefully he hasn't shat on the rug, I'd hate to have to put him in the storage closet.